improving the join function
Daniel Gibson
metalcaedes at
Mon Oct 11 21:37:12 PDT 2010
Andrei Alexandrescu schrieb:
> I'm looking at and
> that got me looking at std.string.join, which currently has the sig:
> string join(in string[] words, string sep);
> A narrow fix:
> Char[] join(Char)(in Char[][] words, in Char[] sep)
> if (isSomeChar!Char);
> I think it's reasonable to assume that people would want to join things
> that aren't necessarily arrays of characters, so T could be pretty much
> any type. An obvious step towards generalization is:
> T[] join(T)(in T[][] items, T[] sep);
> But join doesn't really need random access for words - really, an input
> range should suffice. So a generally useful join, almost worth putting
> in std.algorithm, would be:
> ElementType!R1[] join(R1, R2)(R1 items, R2 sep)
> if (isInputRange!R1 && isForwardRange!R2
> && is(ElementType!R2 : ElementType!R1);
> Notice how the separator must be a forward range because it gets spanned
> multiple times, whereas the items need only be an input range as they
> are spanned once. This is at the same time a very general and very
> precise interface.
> One thing is still bothering me: the array output type. Why would the
> "default" output range be an array? What can be done to make join() at
> the same time a general function and also one that works for strings the
> way the old join did? For example, if I want to join things into an
> already-existing buffer, or if I want to write them straight to a file,
> there's no way to do so without having an array allocation in the loop.
> I have a couple of ideas but I wouldn't want to bias yours.
> I also have a question from people who dislike Phobos. Was there a point
> in the changes of signature above where you threw your hands thinking,
> "do the darn string version already and cut all that crap!"?
> Thanks,
> Andrei
Btw: Is "join" not just a (rather trivial) generalization of reduce?
auto inRange = ...; // range of char[]
char[] sep = " ";
auto joined = reduce!( (char[] res, char[] x) {return res~sep~x;}) (inRange);
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