Streaming library

Steven Schveighoffer schveiguy at
Wed Oct 13 14:32:49 PDT 2010

Before responding directly, I'll say I think this is on the right track.   
IMO, buffering should be transparent when it can be, meaning you should be  
able to have control over the buffering.  The abstraction should look like  

specific application -> buffered streams -> OS abstraction -> Low level  

Denis' proposal covers up to OS abstraction.  What we need on top of that  
is a buffer layer.

On Wed, 13 Oct 2010 12:16:38 -0400, Denis Koroskin <2korden at>  

> I'll explain my I/O streams implementation below in case you didn't read  
> my message (I've changed some stuff a little since then). My Stream  
> interface is very simple:
> // A generic stream
> interface Stream
> {
>      @property InputStream input();
>      @property OutputStream output();
>      @property SeekableStream seekable();
>      @property bool endOfStream();
>      void close();
> }
> You may ask, why separate Input and Output streams? Well, that's because  
> you either read from them, write from them, or both.
> Some streams are read-only (think Stdin), some write-only (Stdout), some  
> support both, like FileStream. Right?

I feel we can possibly make this a compile-time decision.  Can we do  
something like this:

interface Stream : InputStream, OutputStream {}

> Not exactly. Does FileStream support writing when you open file for  
> reading? Does it support reading when you open for writing?
> So, you may or may not read from a generic stream, and you also may or  
> may not write to a generic stream. With a design like that you can make  
> a mistake: if a stream isn't readable, you have no reference to invoke  
> read() method on.

Essentially, it's near zero the times that I decide at runtime whether I'm  
opening a file for reading, writing or both.  So why not build that into  
the type, and then we have the compiler to tell us when something can't be  
used for reading or writing?

> Similarly, a stream is either seekable, or not. SeekableStreams allow  
> stream cursor manipulation:
> interface SeekableStream : Stream
> {
>      long getPosition(Anchor whence = Anchor.begin);
>      void setPosition(long position, Anchor whence = Anchor.begin);
> }

A seekable interface is one of those things that's really hard to get  
right.  In Tango, we eventually got rid of the seekable interface and just  
added seek methods to all the low level stream interfaces.  The rationale  
is that most of the time seekability is not a requirement you can set when  
opening a file.  You open a file for reading or writing, but not for  
seeking.  So it's almost necessary that seekability is a runtime decision  
(because the OS decides it outside of your control).

There are, of course, streams that will not be seekable (netowork  
sockets), but you just throw an exception when seeking such a stream.  The  
only thing I'd create is a way to determine seekability without throwing  
an exception (i.e. a canSeek property).  But most of the time you know  
whether a stream is seekable without having to check.

> InputStream doesn't really has many methods:
> interface InputStream
> {
> 	// reads up to buffer.length bytes from a stream
> 	// returns number of bytes read
> 	// throws on error
> 	size_t read(ubyte[] buffer);
> 	// reads from current position
> 	AsyncReadRequest readAsync(ubyte[] buffer, Mailbox* mailbox = null);
> }

I'd say void[] is better here, since you aren't creating the buffer,  
you're accepting it.  Using ubyte makes for awkward casts when you are  
reading binary data into specific structures.

ditto for OutputStream.


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