Streaming library

Denis Koroskin 2korden at
Fri Oct 15 12:06:01 PDT 2010

On Fri, 15 Oct 2010 22:48:20 +0400, Kagamin <spam at here.lot> wrote:

> Denis Koroskin Wrote:
>> // A generic stream
>> interface Stream
>> {
>>      @property InputStream input();
>>      @property OutputStream output();
>>      @property SeekableStream seekable();
>>      @property bool endOfStream();
>>      void close();
>> }
> I think, it's better to inherit Stream from InputStream and OutputStream.
> Do you even need endOfStream? From my experience, it's ok to  
> blocked-read and determine end when 0 is read. Even if you read from  
> network, is there a point in non-blocking read?

Probably, I think I'll try both ways and see which one turns out to be  

>> InputStream doesn't really has many methods:
>> interface InputStream
>> {
>> 	// reads up to buffer.length bytes from a stream
>> 	// returns number of bytes read
>> 	// throws on error
>> 	size_t read(ubyte[] buffer);
> I've found
> ubyte[] read(ubyte[] buffer)
> more usable:
> ubyte[] buffer=new ubyte[sz];
> size_t;
> ubyte[] rdata=buffer[0..rd];
> ubyte[] buffer=new ubyte[sz];
> ubyte[];
> And you can instantly pass the read data to some other function.
> myProcessor.Process(;

Either way is fine with me. But I agree yours is handy, too.
I was actually thinking about a plain ubyte[] read(); method:

struct BufferedStream
	ubyte[] read(); // just give me something

because in many cases you don't really care about buffer size or don't  
even know amount of data you can read (e.g. socket stream).

>> 	// reads from current position
>> 	AsyncReadRequest readAsync(ubyte[] buffer, Mailbox* mailbox = null);
>> }
> I also have an implementation of asyncronous stream with interface  
> similar to one of .net, though recently I came to another design.
> ///What one can name "an actual stream" that holds the handle
> interface AsyncStreamSource
> {
>   ///Advances position on each read
>   AsyncStream createStream();
>   ///Leaves position intact - adjust manually or rather don't adjust
>   AsyncStream createStillStream();
> }
> ///An accessor for AsyncStreamSource that wraps an io completion port or  
> its analogue. Contains stream position at which io is done on  
> AsyncStreamSource (that's why it's stream - it works like unshared  
> blocking stream with asynchronous access).
> interface AsyncStream
> {
>   void beginRead(ubyte[] buffer);
>   ubyte[] endRead();
>   long position() @property;
>   void position(long newPosition) @property;
> }
> Multiple AsyncStreams can be created for one AsyncStreamSource. So  
> effectively one AsyncStreamSource can be shared through different  
> AsyncStreams, while individual AsyncStreams cannot be shared. With this  
> design you won't new AsyncResult for each io operation.

Interesting, I think I'll give it a try. This will reduce basic Stream  
interface size, and some implementations can return null unless they  
support async read/write.

> Though such desing can be problematic for linux as its async io  
> functionality is quite... errmmm... linux way as I remember.


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