
#ponce spam at
Mon Oct 18 03:22:55 PDT 2010

It would be ironic to call it go instead of duck. 
- it helps memorizing what it does 
- it's a funny reminder of the Go vs Go! naming issue with D template instanciation (!)
- "we can do that, with templates"

> auto d = go!Drawable(c); // awes

Andrei Alexandrescu Wrote:

> I was talking to Walter about Kenji's adaptTo. We both think it's a very 
> powerful enabler, but adaptTo is a bland name. After discussing a few 
> marketing strategies, I proposed "duck". It's short, simple, and evokes 
> "duck typing".
> class C
> {
>      int draw(){ return 10; }
> }
> interface Drawable
> {
>      long draw();
> }
> ...
> auto c = new C;
> auto d = duck!Drawable(c); // awes
> Kenji, I'll be looking forward to your submission :o). Would be great to 
> allow structs to duck, too!
> Andrei

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