A summary of D's design principles

Bruno Medeiros brunodomedeiros+spam at com.gmail
Thu Oct 21 07:15:19 PDT 2010

On 15/09/2010 18:58, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
> A coworker asked me where he could find a brief document of D's design
> principles. This was after I'd mentioned the "no function hijacking"
> stance.
> I think it would be a great idea if the up-and-coming
> www.d-programming-language.org contained such a document.
> Ideas for what it could contain? I know we discussed this once in the
> past, but couldn't find the discussion.
> Andrei

(recapitulating something that popped in the middle of a discussion a 
while back) :

* D aims to be suitable for medium and large sized software projects. In 
other words, it aims to scale well with increases of: developers, source 
code, software components, project duration, teams, third party 
components, etc..

I don't think this goal would actually influence D's design that much, 
because if language changes and features are carefully designed, they 
would rarely be detrimental to small scale projects in favor of medium 
or large ones.
Rather, the big benefit of the statement above would be to reduce 
certain wasteful discussions or comments that pop-up occasionally in 
which someone proposes some "Pythonesque" change that might benefit 
small programs but would be crap for medium/large ones.

Bruno Medeiros - Software Engineer

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