Quick question about target patforms . . .
Russel Winder
russel at russel.org.uk
Mon Oct 25 09:51:57 PDT 2010
On Mon, 2010-10-25 at 00:27 -0700, Walter Bright wrote:
[ . . . ]
> Yes - we just need an ARM version of the compiler!
I think I am with Iain on this one. ARM is the architecture of the
future (indeed the present) for embedded and many more places. There
will therefore be orders of magnitude more ARM processors that x86 and
86_64 ones -- actually there already are. Having cross-compilation to
ARM is therefore the place to be if you want serious take up.
Dr Russel Winder t: +44 20 7585 2200 voip: sip:russel.winder at ekiga.net
41 Buckmaster Road m: +44 7770 465 077 xmpp: russel at russel.org.uk
London SW11 1EN, UK w: www.russel.org.uk skype: russel_winder
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