Pointer types [Was: Re: Lints, Condate and bugs]
bearophileHUGS at lycos.com
Sun Oct 31 17:11:25 PDT 2010
> > - @single: this pointer is either null or points to a single element of the
> > base type (this disallows the indexing [] syntax).
> ref T single = *p;
Is this a D syntax or C++ syntax? I have never seen this used in D unless as function argument.
> > - @bound(hi,lo): this pointer is either null or points inside an array of
> > given lower and upper bounds.
> T[] bound = p[lo..hi];
I was talking about a (fat) pointer, something you may move forward and backward, assign, deferentiate, you may perform arithmetic on it, etc. This is why I have written in my post:
static assert(BoundPtr!int.sizeof == (size_t.sizeof * 3));
> > - @sentinel: this pointer is useful only for comparisons and not for
> > dereference or indexing. This annotation is usually used for pointers that
> > point immediately after an allocated area.
> T[] sentinel = p[0..0];
That's not a pointer.
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