foreach is slower than for?

Jesse PHillips jessekphillips+D at
Thu Sep 9 11:33:37 PDT 2010

Justin Johansson Wrote:

> Is there a roadmap for what things are more urgent?  The OP has a
> valid point in asking what is the point of the language.  A decent
> roadmap would help newcomers and oldcomers alike to stay with the
> Holy Grail of D.
> Justin

There is a somewhat official road map[1]. It isn't really set up by importance. Don has been doing a good job of updating it. I don't think the list is used by Walter as a checklist of things to do. It could definitely use a face lift on how the items should be organized.

Currently compiling 64 bit binaries is priority. Which I think is scheduled for next release 2.049, currently compiles Phobos.


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