Contract checking (Re: enforce()?)
Norbert Nemec
Norbert at
Sat Sep 11 20:42:13 PDT 2010
On 11/09/10 08:18, Jay Byrd wrote:
> Contracts do not belong to function pointers or any other
> dynamic state -- they apply to the invoker, and thus the static type.
> Isn't that obvious?
In fact, it is yet one step more complex than that: as the name itself
suggests, contracts are "between" the caller (static type) and the
callee (dynamic type). Theoretically, the type system has to ensure that
both sides are able to fulfill their part of the contract.
The dynamic type must be a subtype of the static type (including
equality). In subtyping, in-contracts may be weakened, out-contracts may
be strengthened (in other words, a subtype may require less and promise
This is all fine, theoretically sound and easy to handle in a clean way
for object oriented design as it is done in Eiffel.
The complication in D are function pointers and delegates (FP/DG). For a
clean design, the type of a FP/DG would need to include contract
information. Contracts are part of the interface and a FP/DG would have
to include this. Obviously, this would make FP/DG syntax rather awkward.
Furthermore, FP/DG assignments would need to be type-checked at compile
time, so contract compatibility would have to be checked at compile time
as well. This would be completely impossible.
I conclude that within pure OOP, contracts can have strong compile-time
support. In-contracts should be checked by the caller, out-contracts by
the callee and both checks could be eliminated if the compiler can
verify at compile time that they are fulfilled. With FP/DG, this breaks
down and I believe the best one can do is to implement contracts as
run-time checks in the callee, just as it is done in D.
The only detail that I would wish for is a more fine-grained tuning of
DbC contract checks in the compiler and a clearer conceptual separation
of the concepts of assertions and contracts. However, the former is an
implementation detail and the latter has been discussed to death before.
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