Andrei's Google Talk

Bruno Medeiros brunodomedeiros+spam at
Mon Sep 20 08:10:24 PDT 2010

On 06/08/2010 00:43, Leandro Lucarella wrote:
> Walter Bright, el  5 de agosto a las 13:34 me escribiste:
>> mwarning wrote:
>>> On Thu, 05 Aug 2010 03:23:25 +0000, BCS wrote:
>>>> For a number of IP/legal reasons, Walter CAN'T work on LLVM or LDC.
>>> can you please elaborate a bit?
>>> I remember that statement has appeared before,
>>> but I can't remember the reason that was given.
>> Because when I've had the roomful of lawyers do their due diligence
>> on me, saying "I never looked at the source code" is an effective
>> defense against any claims of possible infringement. When I say
>> that, they click their briefcases shut, say "we're done here", and
>> leave.
> That seems a little stupid, there are billions of open source projects,
> and I never hear anyone giving that excuse not to contribute.
> Your argument about having to convince people that a feature have
> merits or the bigger inertia to do changes is a valid one, but that one
> is just bogus.

Also, quite a lot of those billion open source projects have 
commercial-friendly licenses (BSD, Boost, Apache licence, Eclipse Pubic 
License, etc.), so naturally their contributors do not have all these 
worries of taint.

I find myself wishing some more OSS projects had commercial-friendly 
licenses. :-/ In particular LLVM, as I do agree it might have been great 
if Walter were able to work with it without these IP worries.

Bruno Medeiros - Software Engineer

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