Proposal: Relax rules for 'pure'
Steven Schveighoffer
schveiguy at
Fri Sep 24 10:09:05 PDT 2010
On Fri, 24 Sep 2010 12:16:23 -0400, Robert Jacques <sandford at>
> On Fri, 24 Sep 2010 10:47:16 -0400, Steven Schveighoffer
> <schveiguy at> wrote:
>> On Fri, 24 Sep 2010 10:33:10 -0400, Robert Jacques <sandford at>
>> wrote:
>>> On Fri, 24 Sep 2010 09:32:40 -0400, Steven Schveighoffer
>>> <schveiguy at> wrote:
>>>> structs can have value copy semantics. But for a struct that
>>>> contains a reference, the references have reference semantics, which
>>>> makes the struct a reference type.
>>> A struct is never a reference type. It may have reference semantics,
>>> but this is a high-order feature that is uncheckable by the compiler.
>>> At best the compiler can detect that a struct contains references, not
>>> how those references are exposed/managed by the API.
>> Containing references means it cannot be cast to immutable, the only
>> important thing when determining the strength of purity here.
>> This whole discussion is going nowhere, you haven't made any real
>> points. Can you think of a case where the compiler would be wrong in
>> determining purity strength for "value types" as you define them? An
>> example would be most helpful.
>> -Steve
> I feel like I've upset you and would like to make amends. First, this
> discussion was never about the compiler being able to determine purity.
> That's easy. The point raised was about whether the programmer could
> enforce strong-purity for any strongly-pure fucntion. The answer is that
> you can by making all arguments immutable, which is a fairly minor
> restriction on the callee. Second, this thread (fiber?), has veered a
> little off-topic due to a misunderstanding/debate about value-types vs
> value-semantics and reference-types vs reference-semantics. Perhaps it's
> because I work with large, 'hybrid' structs a lot, but the difference
> between value-type and value-semantics is very large in my mind. Third,
> this fiber started, in part, due to a question by regarding value-types
> being answered with value-semantics. Forth, I raised the question
> regarding value-types in part due to half-remembered old posts in which
> value-semantics were discussed but under the label of value-types, thus
> causing confusion in my brain. And because it was late at night, I
> decided to ask a simple question instead of testing DMD's current
> behavior myself. I did end up testing DMD the next day (and then banging
> my head on a wall), but by then all this had started.
You haven't upset me, I just couldn't follow what you were saying :)
When you said "what about value types," I thought it was a suggestion that
value types would make it hard to determine whether a function was
strongly pure or weakly pure, and my interpretation of what "value type"
means sent us off on this tangent.
I think we both agree that the proposed changes by Don will work with the
compiler, and I understand your desire to ensure a function is
strongly-pure, and why the proposal does not give an easy solution to that.
So no hard feelings, we can move on and forget this whole thread ever
happened :)
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