A summary of D's design principles

piotrek starpit at tlen.pl
Tue Sep 28 13:23:09 PDT 2010

On Tue, 28 Sep 2010 13:22:09 -0400, bearophile wrote:

> Jesse Phillips:
>> This is exactly how it should be marketed. It has the productivity of
>> Python, other dynamic languages, with the performance and power of a
>> natively compiled language.
> Most programmers are able to see that's very false, today.
> The main and maybe only advantage of D over C# is that it's
> multi-platform. But today the Web is very important, and D can't be used
> in browers.
> I think that if D wants a chance to not die as many other C-inspired
> languages have done in past, Walter needs lot of perseverance and to
> keep slowly improving D for 8-10 more years. When D will be "good
> enough" maybe some people will start to use it. But the implementation
> of D2 is currently far from that point.
> Bye,
> bearophile


The majority of software developers do what they are told to do. They 
can't make any independent decision regarding technology and methodology 
they use.

D doesn't have only one advantage over C#. IMHO, D is far better then 
anything around. But unfortunately there's no commercial support behind 

I will try to never touch C# because it's the way M$ tries to own 
software business for themselves. Secondly C# is VM so it's no go as well.

To me, D solves almost every software development problem. How?
D makes almost all other programming languages not needed. I mean I DON'T 
what to learn another language to query database or write a simple script 
or transform xml to html. 

The problem with C++ (and C) which blocks it from achieve this goal is 
that it's ugly and not convenient in so many places. That's why people 
tried to do it easier and started to produce auxiliary technologies. With 
D they aren't necessary. But of course we need good library and IDE. If 
it was me I would fork Qt Creator and make it work with D. Unfortunately 
plenty of platforms slows down D development. The work is divided into 
too many targets. D deserves a dedicated modern processor architecture 
and a well designed OS ;)


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