[BUG} dsss linker error when a module has @property
Nick Sabalausky
a at a.a
Wed Sep 29 13:26:09 PDT 2010
"Adam Cigánek" <adam.ciganek at gmail.com> wrote in message
news:mailman.349.1285773387.858.digitalmars-d at puremagic.com...
>Thanks Nick. xfbuild and rdmd look good, I'll take a closer look at
>them. However, they both seem to be just build tools, but dsss was
>also kind of package manager (like rubygems for ruby or CPAN for
>perl). Was the idea of package manager for D abandoned? Or is there an
The idea of a new package manager for D has been discussed, and there's
definitely been interest in it, but I'm not aware of one actually being made
yet. Although there is someone that's been working on a "dmdz" (or was it
"zdmd"?) which is a step in that direction.
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