std.string.indexOf with an optional start-at parameter?

Andrei Alexandrescu SeeWebsiteForEmail at
Sun Apr 3 11:16:54 PDT 2011

On 4/3/11 1:14 PM, Aleksandar Ružičić wrote:
> I thought first of slicing, but isn't that making a copy of string?

It's not.

> And also, if I'm not mistaken if you slice out of range bounds (i.e.
> haystack[5..$] when haystack.length<  5) you'll get exception, right?


> That's why I think this would be nice to have feature, so you don't
> have to worry if start position is within the string bounds, and you
> won't need to write this:

I think that's a natural and simple improvement of indexOf. The one 
aspect that I'm unsure about is starting from the end for negative indices.

Could you please submit an enhancement request to bugzilla?


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