[GSoC] Container proposals by Ishan and Christian

spir denis.spir at gmail.com
Sun Apr 3 16:13:15 PDT 2011

On 04/04/2011 12:11 AM, Matthias Pleh wrote:
> On 2011-04-03 23:48, spir wrote:
>> (Meaning a standard GUI-programming interface for D.)
> Yes, exactly! Just a really small Api to abstract the OS.

... and the actual GUI framework, I guess?

> - Application -> as a representation for the process
> - Window -> create, show, hide
> - Canvas/Image -> to draw on
> + No buttons/textbox or other widgets, this would be part of the higher level
> (some GUI's on this basic API could use native controls / others may draw it
> itself / or draw it with GPU ...
> I mean, there were several attempts to create a GUI, each with a different
> approach, and most of them are unfinished and abandoned.
> This could be a base for all GUI's

Hum, I think you'd need to go much further for the API to be of any use. 
Defining the notions of widget, event & callback, read-only (label) vs 
read/write (textbox), parent <--> child(ren) relation, styling & style cascade, 
many more... all of this as a coherent system.
Also, like in many other cases, simplicity of use/interface may hide much 
complication & magic in the background (think Python). But this may be a fairly 
motivating project.

>>  A fairly big project, I guess! (even for a toy...)
> It haven't to be complete. Just a start, with the most important corner cases.

That would be very cool. Actually, both projects could help & design each other 
(just like in the case of the standard DB API project).

vita es estrany

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