Is the world coming to an end?

dsimcha dsimcha at
Sun Apr 3 20:02:01 PDT 2011

== Quote from Jonathan M Davis (jmdavisProg at's article
> It would be worth a lot to the community if a larger percentage of the
> community pitched in and helped write and fix code - be it for dmd, Phobos,
> gdc, qtd, or whatever. But we need developers who have both the time, skills,
> and desire to work on those projects, and the number of developers who have
> all three of those is unfortunately rather small.

One of the reasons I don't work on these projects but do contribute significantly
to Phobos and druntime is because, when I'm doing volunteer work on my own free
time, I don't want to deal with legacy code in legacy languages.  If I'm going to
do something for the fun of it, then I want to do it from scratch or from a
codebase that I really like, in pure D.

Secondly, these projects tend to require a comprehensive understanding of a large
codebase.  Things like optimizing the GC or cleaning up std.range or std.algorithm
(which I've done) involve dealing with a single module, only a few thousand lines
of code.  I can just dive in, fix what needs fixing and get out, rather than
embarking on a long-term commitment.

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