Andrej Mitrovic
andrej.mitrovich at gmail.com
Mon Apr 4 06:54:06 PDT 2011
On 4/4/11, Francisco Almeida <francisco.m.almeida at gmail.com> wrote:
> == Quote from Andrej Mitrovic (none at none.none)'s article
>> On 4/3/11, Matthias Pleh <matthias at none.net> wrote:
>> > * dgui -> windows only, also really .Net-like
>> So what's the state of things for this new(?) Windows GUI library?
>> I gave it a test run yesterday, examples seem to compile and apps seem to
>> load
> really fast (well, it's GDI and simple examples, but still pretty fast to
> load).
>> There doesn't seem to be any unittests at all which is a bit worrisome. It
>> has
> been put on the dwiki as a beta library, but has anyone used it for anything
> yet?
> I'd like to know more (plans, etc) from the author. :)
> I would like to try it too (DFL hasn't been updated in a long time), but
> couldn't
> find its project page. Could you please share a link?
You need to clone it from mercurial for D2. Use:
hg clone https://dgui.googlecode.com/hg/ dgui
Then you need to copy these two files from \tags\tools\scripts into \trunk\:
Then run dgui_build_dbg.bat to build the library in debug mode.
To build the samples, copy the \tags\samples\ folder into \trunk\, and
then copy the following files from \tags\tools\scripts into
To build each sample just run dmd @filename, e.g.:
dmd @dbg_events.args
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