[GSoC] Container proposals by Ishan and Christian
Jens Mueller
jens.k.mueller at gmx.de
Mon Apr 4 15:43:16 PDT 2011
Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
> On 4/3/11 5:06 PM, Jens Mueller wrote:
> >Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
> >>1. Both seem to be quite fresh on D, so they'll need close coaching
> >>at least in the beginning.
> >>
> >>2. Both students seem unfamiliar with the STL, which is a difficult
> >>skill to acquire in a short time frame and is quite recommended for
> >>working on D's containers.
> >
> >Both valid points. I'd like to help. But how do I know that I'm familiar
> >with the STL? It's containers and generic algorithms glued together via
> >iterators. I've read Effective STL and used the STL but I have never
> >looked at an implementation of the STL. On rare occasions I dived into
> >GNU STL to figure out what was going on.
> That would be "STL internals". If you've used the STL systematically
> then it can be assumed you're familiar with it.
I see. I hope I've been using it in an appropriate manner. I find it
sometimes difficult. Getting the functors to work etc.
> >Regarding the former: They should start reading your book, if they
> >haven't. What do you mean by coaching? Looking at their code and giving
> >feedback?
> More than that: guiding the next step. That would entail
> understanding the high level issues quite well.
Unfortunately I think I don't overlook the high level issues. Maybe it's
something obvious but right now I feel baffled. I should reread what you
have said about the intended container design in previous posts.
> >>With an expanded containers project we could (assuming all goes
> >>smooth) benefit of a host of solid containers by fall. The thing is
> >>that would definitely require very intensive mentoring. I'd probably
> >>be a mentor, and I'd need at least one to be comfortable about
> >>putting this option on the table.
> >
> >Can you express intensive monitoring in hours per week from your
> >experience?
> I don't have experience as a GSoC mentor, but I assume it should be
> doable in addition to a normal job. The main challenge is having the
> background.
I agree. It's the background that matters most here.
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