GUI library for D

Adam D. Ruppe destructionator at
Tue Apr 5 15:38:45 PDT 2011

I need to run, so must be fast.

You'll note my code is ugly as sin and includes a good chunk
of xlib.h right in there... ideally, I'd like xlib to be in
etc.x11.xlib or something like that instead of here. Until it is
though, it will stay so it's a self-contained module.

Anyway, where I'd ultimately like to take this is to provide the
same simple set of functions we used to enjoy on DOS:

1) Simple shape drawing. Lines, rectangles, filled boxes, circles, etc.

2) Keep the output dead simple, or let you have an interactive
window that you can draw to and get some input from. Should keep
a very simple flow (while(int 16h) kind of thing).

This could be determined by an optional param to the display()

3) Image loading and saving, so you can draw sprites too.

I think that's about everything. No widgets, no frameworks, just
shooting for super simple, very basic functions.

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