Settings in CodeBlocks -- D Language
Sam Hu
samhudotsamhu at
Tue Apr 5 23:27:16 PDT 2011
David Wang Wrote:
> ==============
> My understanding is that Code::Blocks only supports code
> completion for D because their fuzzy C++ parser can sometimes
> parse D successfully, and that they don't plan to support D
> directly. Has this changed?
> ==============
> Acturally everytime when CodeBlocks parses D will be failed. :(
> And for there is no code developer of CodeBlocks using and familar
> with D Language, so the support for D will stop here and there's
> no further plan in a time.
> (CodeBlocks was written in C++ with wxWidgets libraries.)
> So, I made a personal decision that I'll start to learn C++
> language (I only knows a littel bit C Language :) ), and when I
> achive the providing patches level, I'll try to submit patches to
> Codeblocks core develop team to improve the D Language support.
> I think the biggest problem in CodeBlocks for D Language now is
> the 'Code Completion' problem.
> I've communicated with them, and I got the feedback as bellow:
> **********
> There are two major parts of CC(Code Completion), the first part
> (we say part A) was collecting tags. we use the parser class and
> other helper classes(all the code was under parser- subfolder as
> you said) to analyze all the source code, then we store all the
> tags(some times, we call Tokens).
> The second part( we say Part B) was doing the completion and other
> UI tips( eg, when the mouse hover on some ids, there is a function
> tip or when you enter some text, then there is a completion list
> prompt below your caret), it need to resolve the current code
> statement syntax.
> Currently CC's code is quite mixing. So, if you want to implement
> a D language, you need to implement a part A for D language, and
> only modify some code in Part B.
> **********
> So, if someone be kindly and have the ability to modify the
> CodeBlocks source code (svn checkout
>, will be a
> great help in extending D's IDE for cross-platform area.
> (CodeBlocks supports Linux, Windows, OS X, FreeBSD, etc.)
> Best reagards.
> David.
Which version of C::B do you mean support d2 complier?I use C::B svn 7040 but it failed to compile a test d2 program following instructioin your provided in the link.Nothing happened to C::B,no compiler found.
I don't know y.
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