string and char[]
denis.spir at
Fri Apr 8 13:12:27 PDT 2011
On 04/08/2011 09:20 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
> On Fri, 08 Apr 2011 14:57:52 -0400, spir <denis.spir at> wrote:
>> On 04/08/2011 03:13 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
>>> On Fri, 08 Apr 2011 06:44:42 -0400, Simen kjaeraas <simen.kjaras at>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Fri, 08 Apr 2011 12:46:08 +0200, Morlan <home at> wrote:
>>>>> It is OK if I write
>>>>> int[char[]] asr;
>>>>> asr["hello"] = 10;
>>>>> but the following does not compile:
>>>>> char[] car = "hello";
>>>>> What is the explanation for this behaviour?
>>>> The first should not be allowed. It is a mistake to use non-immutable
>>>> keys for an associative array.
>>> int[char[]] asr;
>>> pragma(msg, typeof(asr).stringof);
>>> outputs:
>>> AssociativeArray!(const(char)[],int)
>>> So the compiler adds const to the keys, which is why it works.
>>> Do I think this is the correct behavior? Absolutely not. First, it prevents
>>> nothing as far as modifying keys (const accepts mutable keys as well as const
>>> and mutable ones). Second, I believe you should be able to use whatever key
>>> constancy you want. We should just say if you do the wrong thing, it's
>>> undefined. Maybe @safe code can only use immutable keys. Third, if it must be
>>> illegal to have an AA with mutable keys, it should be an error, not silently
>>> change to const.
>> I agree on points 1 & 3. "Second" looks dangerous to me.
> Dangerous, yes. But immutable objects are typically not easy to deal with. For
> one, you can't have tail-immutable objects (currently), so implementation of
> such a container is going to be a pain. In fact, dcollections simply doesn't
> work if you have fully immutable types as keys.
> In reality, most times you are not using something as a key and somewhere else
> simultaneously. So while theoretically dangerous, it's easy to write code that
> isn't dangerous.
What about ref'ed objects used as keys be compared (at least as keys) by ref --
and only by ref.
This is how Lua tables work (and the reason why they're so fast):
a = {1,1} ; b = {2,2}
t = {[a]=1 , [b]=2}
print (t[a], t[{1,1}]) --> 1 nil
a and the second {1,1} key are distinct objects. This is not often what we
mean, in the general case. Composite objects actually often are, conceptually,
*values*, like a position or color; thus, should be compared by value.
But they sometimes represent unique "entities", like a game character, which
should be compared (as keys and everywhere else) by "unicity" -- and only that
way. Comparing their state simply makes no sense.
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