Should all enums be immutable?
Jonathan M Davis
jmdavisProg at
Sat Apr 9 14:58:01 PDT 2011
> On 06/04/2011 16:24, Don wrote:
> <snip>
> > No. NONE exist at run time. That is the whole point. No enum should ever
> > exist in the compiler. That's the only difference between immutable and
> > enum.
> <snip>
> So how, exactly, does the runtime get at data that doesn't exist?
Every time that you use an enum, it's replaced with the enum's value. So, it's
like you put a literal there which was identtical to the enum's value. So,
enum a = [1, 2, 3, 4];
void main()
would become
void main()
writeln([1, 2, 3, 4]);
If a had been an immutable variable, then a would not have been replaced with
its value in the writeln call, but rather a would be passed to writeln.
- Jonathan M Davis
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