std.algorithm for images
Cliff Hudson
cliff.s.hudson at
Sun Apr 10 17:34:01 PDT 2011
You are on a tear with this image stuff :)
Have you considered wrapping something like DevIL? Probably has all the features
you could ever want and is cross-platform.
- Cliff
On Sun, Apr 10, 2011 at 5:10 PM, Adam D. Ruppe <destructionator at>wrote:
> I'm pretty happy with how simpledisplay.d is turning out, and want to
> spend some time thinking about the client side images now.
> I think a nice way to do it would be to go with ranges and templates,
> like std.algorithm, so things will work across many different image
> formats with the best efficiency and minimal coupling. But, we need to
> think about some specifics before going too far.
> Here's a first draft module to show the idea while doing some useful
> work. It's dependency free so you can download and play with ease.
> If you also grab simpledisplay.d
> You can compile this little png display program:
> =======
> import imagedraft;
> import std.stdio;
> import simpledisplay;
> void main(string[] args) {
> auto png = pngFromBytes(File(args[1]).byChunk(4096));
> auto image = new Image(png.header.width, png.header.height);
> int y;
> foreach(line; png.byRgbaScanline) {
> foreach(x, color; line.pixels)
> image.putPixel(cast(int) x, cast(int) y,
> simpledisplay.Color(color.r, color.g,
> color.b, color.a));
> y++;
> }
> displayImage(image);
> }
> ====
> And use it as a base to play around and see your algorithm's results
> right in the window. (btw, that displayImage() function is what used
> to be image.display() in simpledisplay. A standalone function will
> let me separate dependencies better. It works the same way - just
> show it and wait for the user to hit any key to continue.)
> The foreach there is ugly. I was going to write up a demo
> of some actual algorithms for images, but I ended up spending
> most the day getting my BufferedInputRange and LazyPngFile to
> work correctly...
> But, you can see one of the big ideas: providing ranges on images
> of various formats that present the data to you in a requested
> standard format (any PNG image is lazily converted to an rgba list
> of lines here).
> It also shows how I plan to write other image format loaders - they
> take arbitrary input ranges, and lazily load and decode the file.
> (While I had a png loader before, it was in C style.... I'm hoping
> that it will be easier to port my bmp code now that I have a working
> foundation...)
> I'll write an image saver too. It will take an rgbaScanLine range
> and save it to the correct format - png, bmp, whatever.
> Now, back to the main idea here. I wish I had more time. If I fleshed
> out this existing range a little more, we could do fun things
> like call std.algorithm.levenshteinDistance on it.. but right now,
> it's just an input range, which is fairly limited. I figure the
> best thing to do is offer whatever facilities the source range offers,
> so if you give it an array, you can save(), back(), etc. too.
> Still, we can run a few functions on it.
> foreach(line; filter!"a.pixels[0].r > 200"(png.byRgbaScanline)) {
> }
> Only keeps lines with a lot of red in the first pixel.
> So that's pretty cool.
> Aaaanyway, I want to have a bunch of algorithms written in here that
> can work on these ranges, capable of doing both in-place and lazy
> changes to your image.
> Since I messed up the time, I only wrote one (and it sucks, hard),
> but it's the idea I have in mind: the convertToGreyscale function.
> Any image that provides a range it can use will work for it.
> What kind of ranges would be useful? A by line surely is, which
> is why I started with it. A byPixel perhaps? Maybe a byBlock? Though,
> it for byPixel, it seems like opApply is the way to do it. Maybe it
> can even shove it off to the GPU to do the work. That's beyond my
> knowledge, but David Simcha has done some cool stuff with foreach
> and parallelism, and this is basically the same concept, so I'm
> sure it can be done.
> Then, of course, you'll surely still want opIndex into the pixels
> too.
> I was hoping to have time to write a gaussian blur function to put
> the idea to the test...
> The other thing is drawing. I don't think ranges will help much there.
> Drawing algorithms will probably be ok with opIndexAssign into the
> pixels.
> But, it's time for me to get to the work I was supposed to do today.
> If nothing else, hopefully that PNG loader in there will be useful,
> but I really do think there's a lot of potential in the idea of
> a std.algorithm for images and would like any input you have.
> Thanks for all the feedback this weekend, everyone!
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