[OT] Spaces/tabs (Was: simple display (from: GUI library for D))

Daniel Gibson metalcaedes at gmail.com
Sun Apr 10 22:58:02 PDT 2011

Am 11.04.2011 07:51, schrieb Jonathan M Davis:
>> Nick Sabalausky:
>>> What, so that he can force his indentation size on everyone else that
>>> works on the code? Or so that using the left/right arrow keys within the
>>> indentation zone requires an unnessesaraly large number of keypresses?
>> It's a module theoretically meant for Phobos, and the Phobos coding
>> standard are spaces.
> Yes. Phobos follows the convention of indenting with spaces and that levels of 
> indentation are 4 spaces. So, anything which goes into Phobos needs to follow 
> this convention.
> the only way that tabs work is if you use them consistently, which in my 
> experience almost never happens. 

How can people mess that up?

> And pretty much everywhere that I've worked 
> has required that spaces be used and no tabs. When people _have_ used tabs, 
> it's been a mess. Personally, I'm completely against using tabs in source 
> code.
> Regardless, Phobos doesn't use tabs. So, whatever someone may prefer in their 
> own code, code that they intend to get into Phobos shouldn't use tabs.
> - Jonathan M Davis

Of course there's always the possibility to use a code-beautifier to fix
this when you're done writing, like http://uncrustify.sourceforge.net/
which even officially supports D.

- Daniel

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