bearophile bearophileHUGS at
Sun Apr 10 23:05:02 PDT 2011

Andrej Mitrovic:

> I was browsing through that D filter on google, and found this:
> This must be the second school to teach D that I know of, after I've
> heard about Utah Valley University. It looks like D is catching up!

>From my experience teaching is _much_ better when it's bidirectional. This means that I'd encourage those teachers to collect some statistics, anecdotes, student comments and everything else potentially useful about D, to later feed back that information to this newsgroups and to Walter. Do you know the name or email address of those teachers?

Insights from students are for example invaluable to find the harder to understand parts of the D language, or the most bug-prone for newbies, or the harder to teach. D2 language design is mostly done, but many design details can be improved still thanks to students/teachers feedback.

One part of the D design that has not received an overhaul during the D1->D2 transition is the is() syntax. A syntax like this one shown in the D docs is *bad*:
is(int[10] W : W[V], int V)
This is almost worse than C++ template metaprogramming :-)


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