[GSOC] Database API draft proposal

spir denis.spir at gmail.com
Tue Apr 12 03:06:27 PDT 2011

On 04/12/2011 04:15 AM, dsimcha wrote:
> I think 110% that SQLite should be the top priority w.r.t. database stuff.
> SQLite bindings and a good D API with some dependency inversion so the
> high-level API can be reused with other database backends would be a great GSoC
> project, even if nothing involving other backends is actually implemented.


> According to this page (http://sqlite.org/mostdeployed.html) SQLite is probably
> the most popular database out there and it's definitely the most amenable to
> being fully supported by a standard library (i.e. no other dependencies).  I
> don't know how many times I've wanted to create a quick in-memory database and
> gone with some stupid ad-hoc class with a bunch of hashtables and stuff just
> because I didn't have an SQLite API conveniently available.  Yeah, SQLite's not
> the most scalable thing in the world but **you don't always need scalability**
> and when you do, you usually have the resources to deal with a little extra
> hassle like writing some bindings.

...as well.

vita es estrany

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