Ceylon language
bearophileHUGS at lycos.com
Wed Apr 13 05:34:22 PDT 2011
The first description of the Ceylon language, designed for business computing (for large teams developing multi-user applications) and meant to replace Java, from Red Hat, that will run on the Java Virtual Machine itself:
About the language (very slow download):
About the its type system:
Some of the Java things they are frustrated by:
- non-typesafety of null values
- the dangerous synchronized keyword
- clumsy annotation syntax
- verbose constructor syntax
- all Java objects are semaphores?!
- SE SDK overuses stateful (mutable) objects
The following parts are from the PDF documents, plus few comments of mine.
Ceylon does not support method overloading (or any other kind of overloading).
If a value of type T can be null, it must be declared as type Optional<T>, which may be abbreviated to T?
String? name = process.args.first;
if (exists name) {
writeLine("Hello " name "!");
else {
writeLine("Hello World!");
Use of an optional value must be guarded by the if (exists ... ) construct. Therefore, NullPointerExceptions are impossible.
This is exactly what I suggested for D in a enhancement request.
It seems this kind of stuff is becoming a standard in new languages.
Attributes and local variables are immutable by default. Assignable values must be annotated variable:
variable Natural count := 0;
A getter looks like a method without a parameter list:
shared Natural currentValue {
return count;
Attributes are polymorphic. A subclass may override a superclass attribute. It may even override a simple attribute with a getter or vice versa!
This means there is no need for explicit getter/setters until you are ready for them. This is nice.
There is no new keyword:
Counter c = Counter();
The local keyword may be used in place of a type for block-local declarations:
local c = Counter();
Assignment to a variable value or attribute setter is done using the := operator. The = specifier is used only for specifying immutable values:
shared assign currentValue {
count := currentValue;
We may define a class method "by reference":
void hello(String name) = hello;
A method may declare multiple lists of parameters. The method body is executed after arguments have been supplied to all parameter lists:
Float add(Float x)(Float y) {
return x+y;
This is a kind of user defined and safe partial application, it's a cute idea.
Providing arguments to just one parameter list produces a method reference:
Float addOne(Float y) = add(1.0);
Float three = addOne(2.0);
(The point of all this is that we are able to provide all the functionality of first-class and higher-order functions without needing to resort to unnatural syntactic constructs inspired by the lambda calculus notation.)
There is a Named argument syntax. They use it for a syntax trick: A named argument invocation is enclosed in braces, and non-vararg arguments are listed using the name=value; syntax.
This seems one of the most peculiar and refined parts of the syntax of this language. See slides 34-37 in the first PDF.
A class or interface satisfies zero or more interfaces
shared class Character(Natural utf16)
extends Object()
satisfies Ordinal & Comparable<Character> {
The syntax X&Y represents the intersection of two types. The syntax X|Y represents the union of two types.
The "actual" annotation specifies that a member refines a supertype member:
shared class Character(Natural utf16)
extends Object()
satisfies Ordinal & Comparable<Character> {
Natural nat = utf16;
shared actual Comparison compare(T that) {
return this.nat <=> that.nat;
The <=> operator is called "compare". It's just a shortcut for the method compare() of Comparable.
Type narrowing, "Switching" by type
Type narrowing is often frowned upon in object-oriented programming
Unfortunately, Java exacerbates the problem:
- the compiler does not inform us when addition of a new subtype breaks the list of cases
Node<String> node = ... ;
switch (node)
case (is Leaf<String>) {
case (is Branch<String>) {
branch(node.left, node.right);
else {
The compiler forces the switch statement to contain an else clause to handle other subtypes.
Enumerated subtypes
A class or interface may specify an explicitly enumerated list of subtypes. The functional programming community calls this an algebraic datatype:
abstract class Node<T>(String name)
of Branch<T> | Leaf<T> { ... }
lass Leaf<T>(String name, T value)
extends Node<T>(name) { ... }
lass Branch<T>(String name, Node<T> left, Node<T> right
extends Node<T>(name) { ... }
The compiler validates that switch statements contain either an exhaustive list of possible subtypes or an else clause:
Node<String> node = ... ;
switch (node)
case (is Leaf<String>) {
case (is Branch<String>) {
branch(node.left, node.right);
A type may be covariant or contravariant in its type parameter. (Respectively in or out.):
interface WeakReferenceGetter<out T> {
shared formal T? get(T t); // Compile error: not covariant
interface WeakReferenceSetter<in T> {
shared formal T set(T t); // Compile error: not contravariant
The compiler validates member signatures to check that the type really does respect the declared variance. This is way easier to understand than wildcard types in Java.
Collections and variance:
- An interface like List<T> should be covariant in T since we almost always want a List<String> to be a List<Object>
- Therefore, we need to split operations which mutate the list to a separate interface OpenList<T>
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