Temporarily disable all purity for debug prints

dennis luehring dl.soluz at gmx.net
Thu Apr 21 22:34:51 PDT 2011

On 17.04.2011 22:45, Andrew Wiley wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 17, 2011 at 3:30 PM, dennis luehring<dl.soluz at gmx.net>  wrote:
>> On 11.04.2011 23:27, bearophile wrote:
>>>   From what I am seeing, in a D2 program if I have many (tens or more) pure
>>> functions that call to each other, and I want to add (or activate) a
>>> printf/writeln inside one (or few) of those functions to debug it, I may
>>> need to temporarily comment out the "pure" attribute of many functions
>>> (because printing can't be allowed in pure functions).
>>> As more and more D2 functions become pure in my code and in Phobos,
>>> something like a -disablepure compiler switch (and printf/writeln inside
>>> debug{}) may allow more handy debugging with prints (if the purity is well
>>> managed by the compiler then I think disabling the pure attributes doesn't
>>> change the program output).
>>> Bye,
>>> bearophile
>> sounds a little bit like the need to see an private/protected part of an
>> interface in unittest scenarios - just to be able to test it in a
>> whitebox-testing without changing the attributes of the productive-code
> Isn't this already there because "private" makes things visible to all
> other code in the same module?

ok - but what about protected? as a whitebox tester im not able(allowed) 
to change productive code,but i need to test through all the code 
(especially when doing code-coverage stuff)

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