std.parallelism is accepted into Phobos

Jonathan M Davis jmdavisProg at
Tue Apr 26 10:18:48 PDT 2011

> On Tue, 2011-04-26 at 11:21 +0000, Lars T. Kyllingstad wrote:
> > The std.parallelism vote is now over, and the results are as follows:
> > 24 voted yes
> > 
> > 0 voted no
> > 
> > I guess that's what you call a landslide. It is my pleasure to announce
> > that std.parallelism has been accepted for inclusion in Phobos.
> > Congratulations, David!
> Splendid. Thanks to David for doing all the really hard work.
> OK so now when do I get a version of Phobos with it in. Tomorrow,
> Thursday? ;-)
> More seriously though: I believe Phobos only gets released with a DMD
> release. Do we know when that is scheduled for?

We should be getting a release relatively soon. I believe that the main issue 
is that we need to make sure that Don's recent CTFE-related changes to dmd are 
stable enough to release, and they definitely aren't yet. For instance, I have 
a pull request for some improvements to std.datetime which compiled fine a few 
weeks back but gives a CTFE-related compile error now. I'd expect a release 
shortly after the compiler looks stable enough again and std.parallelism is 

- Jonathan M Davis

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