deprecated delete and manual memory management
so at
Tue Apr 26 15:31:07 PDT 2011
On Wed, 27 Apr 2011 00:01:58 +0300, Daniel Gibson <metalcaedes at>
> Am 26.04.2011 21:48, schrieb Benjamin Thaut:
>> Am 26.04.2011 21:26, schrieb Daniel Gibson:
>>> Am 26.04.2011 20:23, schrieb Steven Schveighoffer:
>>>> On Tue, 26 Apr 2011 14:14:11 -0400, Benjamin Thaut
>>>> <code at> wrote:
>>>>> Could someone please write a small example how manual memory
>>>>> management would look without new / delete?
>>>> I think that is a good idea.
>>> Not a tutorial, just a simple example using C malloc/free:
>>> Cheers,
>>> - Daniel
>> Thanks for the example, thats exactly what I needed.
>> I still don't understand why the delete operator is deprecated
>> completely. It could be defined, that it is only useable if the new and
>> delete operator have been overloaded in the class or struct that is
>> tried to be deleted.
> This way it's much more flexible. Note that you don't have to change the
> classes at all (i.e. you don't have to provide new() and delete()) to
> use a custom allocator. This means
> 1. you can use custom allocators with classes you didn't write yourself
> 2. you can even use different custom allocators for the same class at
> the same time (you'd have to be really careful not to screw that up by
> using the wrong deallocator for an Object)
> 3. you only have to write an (de)allocator once and you can use it for
> any class, even if they're not derived from each other
> Also, and I think this is really a great feature for performance that
> isn't available with overloaded new and delete operators, you can create
> an array of objects that really lie next to each other in memory (like
> an array of structs), so you can benefit from CPU cache effects.
> This is a very simple example doing that:
> However you have to be careful with it if, i.e. don't put new objects in
> it, don't slice it (you have to at least feed the original array to
> myDeleteArr()) etc.
> To really use something like this probably a struct that enforces this
> (by conservatively overloading opIndex, opAssign etc) would be better
> than a function returning a dynamic array that happens to point to
> objects that are adjacent in memory.
> Cheers,
> - Daniel
Those that come from other languages (and D1), come with some baggage, it
is strange not being able to see the huge advantages over new/delete
operators. I agree with others, we need the best documentation we can get
on this subject.
A challenge.
Write a "new" wrapper (lets call it "mynew") that logs each allocation
(without preprocessor magic and C++0x).
T mynew(T, A...)(A a) {
// return new T(a);
return new!T(a);
Any takers for the C++ version?
Daniel, you could have named them new and delete then everyone would be
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