std.parallelism is accepted into Phobos

Jacob Carlborg doob at
Wed Apr 27 00:57:15 PDT 2011

On 2011-04-26 20:52, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
> If D was available for every platform we could use a simple D script
> to do the building for us. And hey, now we can even do parallel
> builds! (std.parallelism, anyone?) :D
> But then porting to new platforms would be a chicken and the egg problem.

Yeah, Tango had that problem. I couldn't updated to a newer version of 
Tango since the build script was a pre-built D application and not 
available on Mac OS X. The source code was written with this new version 
on Tango so I couldn't compile the build script myself either. I ended 
up porting it to Ruby instead.

/Jacob Carlborg

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