Programming language benchmarks

Jens Mueller jens.k.mueller at
Thu Apr 28 10:57:38 PDT 2011

Walter Bright wrote:
> On 4/28/2011 9:19 AM, Daniel Gibson wrote:
> >But there's no need for a D compiler to optimize loops that just copy
> >parts of an array into another array (and similar stuff), because in D
> >you use slices for that - they're (probably) faster and easier to use.
> >So IMHO it's fair to use slices where possible.
> >(And they're a language feature and not just part of the library)
> >Furthermore this particular benchmark is a "programming language
> >benchmark" and not a compiler benchmark, so it's fair to use every
> >feature of the language.
> For example, a lot of effort is expended in C and Fortran compilers
> "reverse engineering" loops so they can be recompiled and optimized
> as vector operations. I don't see ever bothering with this in D
> compilers, as D offers a vector notation.

If somebody wants to read the elaborate version of the above:
Walter's Dr. Dobb's articles are very good. I only read the new ones
posted. But I have to read the older ones if I find some time.
In the book "Coder at Work" Fran Allen takes a quite strong position
against C. She was deeply into Fortran compilers. She says: "We have
seriously regressed, since C developed. C has destroyed our ability to
advance the state of the art in automatic optimization, automatic
parallelization, automatic mapping of a high-level language to the
When I read this some time ago I found that position quite interesting.
But unfortunately I cannot tell how valid it is. Walter with all of his
experience in developing compilers may give a well informed evaluation
on Allen's statement. I'm just curious.


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