What does C++ do better than D? - StackOverflow.com

Brad Roberts braddr at slice-2.puremagic.com
Mon Aug 1 17:56:41 PDT 2011

On Mon, 1 Aug 2011, Peter Alexander wrote:

> On 1/08/11 7:29 PM, Kagamin wrote:
> > Walter Bright Wrote:
> > 
> > > Now on reddit!
> > > 
> > > http://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/j48tf/how_is_c_better_than_d/
> > 
> > C++ has a better thought out type system.
> > Nice joke.
> > http://blog.llvm.org/2011/05/c-at-google-here-be-dragons.html
> Please read my note at the end. I believe D (probably) has a better type
> system. It just wasn't very well though out.
> I believe many aspects of D's type system were added in without fully
> exploring the ramifications they had on other parts of the language. There are
> at least two pieces of evidence which support my belief:
> 1. The fact that you can't copy const struct objects containing reference
> types.
> 2. The fact that the root object still isn't const correct.
> C++ has some questionable choices for its type system, but it generally
> doesn't prevent you from getting work done.

You're mixing state of implementation with design of the type system.  
Easy enough to conflate, but still a conflation of issues.

Don't get me wrong, that there's QOI issues still is a real problem.  I'd 
also agree that it's in the top 10 list of real problems.  I don't know 
that I'd make it #1 on the list, though.  Please don't ask me what my #1 
issue is, it varies from week to week. :)

Until the QOI issues are worked out, or at least reduced significantly, 
it's not clear that we'll be able to make any strong statements about the 
quality of the design.


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