dmd installer clobbers PATH on Windows (sometimes)

Brad Anderson eco at
Tue Aug 2 00:00:29 PDT 2011

On Mon, Aug 1, 2011 at 6:35 PM, Vladimir Panteleev <
vladimir at> wrote:

> On Mon, 01 Aug 2011 20:58:08 +0300, Brad Anderson <eco at> wrote:
>  there is no way (that I know of) to look at what your PATH was before it
>> was destroyed and the PATH is often updated by installers (as it is with
>> dmd).
> If you haven't rebooted your machine yet - Windows stores a backup copy of
> the system registry hives for the "last known good configuration" boot
> feature. These copies are stored in C:\Windows\Repair (XP and before) or
> C:\Windows\System32\config\**RegBack (Vista and after). You will not be
> able to access these files directly, though - you'll need to use a tool or
> risk a poweroff and boot from another OS. Once you have a readable copy, you
> can "mount" the hives to an empty key in your registry with RegEdit. PATH is
> located at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\**CurrentControlSet\Control\**Session
> Manager\Environment (though you won't see CurrentControlSet in the mounted
> hive, it's a symbolic link of sorts to one of the ControlSetXXX keys).

> Best regards,
>  Vladimir                            mailto:vladimir@**<vladimir at>

I'll try this.  Thanks for the tip.

Brad Anderson
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