What library functionality would you most like to see in D?

Marco Leise Marco.Leise at gmx.de
Tue Aug 2 09:43:18 PDT 2011

Am 02.08.2011, 17:38 Uhr, schrieb so <so at so.so>:

> On Tue, 02 Aug 2011 06:10:29 +0300, bearophile  
> <bearophileHUGS at lycos.com> wrote:
>> - I'd also like a std.image module to load and save images in png, gif,  
>> jpeg, ppm, bmp. This is a very common need, even more common than a GUI  
>> toolkit, and there are far less ways to load a PNG than to create the  
>> API of a GUI toolkit.
> Wrapper over http://nothings.org/stb_image.c and no license issue.
> Sean Barrett wouldn't mind Boost i think.
> Though i am not sure it serves the general needs.

Are you serious?! :
       Primarily of interest to game developers and other people who can
           avoid problematic images and only need the trivial interface

       JPEG baseline (no JPEG progressive)
       PNG 8-bit only

I don't mind missing support for exotic varieties like um... RGB JPEG, but  
I think this file lacks too much support to be 'standard'. It fits well  
for what is described in the notes though.

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