What library functionality would you most like to see in D?

Jimmy Cao jcao219 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 2 10:58:04 PDT 2011

On Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 11:34 AM, Marco Leise <Marco.Leise at gmx.de> wrote:

> Am 02.08.2011, 17:35 Uhr, schrieb Jimmy Cao <jcao219 at gmail.com>:
>  2011/8/2 so <so at so.so>
>>  On Tue, 02 Aug 2011 03:51:56 +0300, Brad Roberts <
>>> braddr at slice-2.puremagic.com> wrote:
>>>  I don't think that any gui library belongs in phobos because there's
>>>> essentially no agreement about what cross-platform library is standard.
>>>> Pick any random 10 gui developers about what library they used (assuming
>>>> they do anything cross-platform) and you'll get more than 1 answer.  I'd
>>>> be shocked if you get a clear enough majority to suggest 1 that'd make a
>>>> big set of people happy.
>>>> Sorry, the gui library landscape just doesn't approach being obvious
>>>> enough to be in the standard library.
>>>> My 2 cents,
>>>> Brad
>>>>  I agree, GUIs (and other huge libraries that everyone has their own
>>> favorite) don't belong standard library. Other languages get away with it
>>> because they are either platform themselves or support only one platform.
>>> Another reason not to include them to the standard library, remember
>>> phobos
>>> has rules (we might need to change many things).
>>> But if we have something small, simple and cross-platform somewhere, why
>>> not!
>> If a GUI library were included in Phobos, that would make D a much better
>> competitor against C#.  That's why I hope such an inclusion would be
>> possible in the future.  I see why it might not be possible, though.
> Why is it so important that the GUI library is included in the std library?
> Unless it is like Delphi, VisualBasic & others that it comes with a GUI
> designer and an IDE I personally find it ok to look for the best library for
> your project on the internet (small Windows-only, cross-platform, ...) :)

You're right, it's probably not that important.
I guess it's most important that a cross-platform GUI library can simply be
easily installed and set up (with some sort of D package manager).
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