What library functionality would you most like to see in D?

Mehrdad wfunction at hotmail.com
Thu Aug 4 19:30:13 PDT 2011

On 8/4/2011 10:23 AM, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
> On 04.08.2011 19:50, Mehrdad wrote:
>> More powerful regexes (like in .NET).
>> The current one is pretty much unusable due to lack of support for
>> Unicode, and lacks lots of important features (named captures come to
>> mind).
> I'm working on a replacement engine as GSOC project, both named 
> captures and modern Unicode support are implemented. I plan to wrap up 
> a public beta by the next week, to get some early feedback.
> In terms of speed in general it seems to be on par with PCRE, but I 
> haven't done any pattern-specific tuning (which PCRE surely does).
>     I looked over all what .NET supports, and right now new engine has 
> support for the most of it's syntactic riches (including character set 
> operations) albeit with slightly different syntax.
> Exceptions: (?(expression)yes| no)  which looks like a hack, (?# 
> comment) and setting flags in midair (?im).
> I'll definitely add free spacing syntax mode (see perl) and setting 
> flags though.
> Anyway, if you are wondering if I missed any other cool regex feature, 
> just ask :)
Dude, that's awesome! Can't wait to see the beta!! :)

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