Vedea := :=: :== operators and their use

Jacob Carlborg doob at
Sat Aug 6 02:31:57 PDT 2011

On 2011-08-05 21:06, bearophile wrote:
> Some people at Microsoft is (or was) working at the Vedea language. It's a bit like the Processing language, but it's more vectorial, more based on graphical objects (like the Tk GUI toolkit), it runs on DotNet:
> What's nice are its := :=: :== operators and the way they are used (but in my opinion you work far less adding those three operators to a custom version of IronPython). Quotation of the part about them:
> --------------
> Another unique aspect of the language is its implementation of bindings.  You might be familiar with bindings from WPF and Silverlight, and the concept here is similar, though expanded.  The simplest example of a binding is as follows:
>      textbox.Text := slider.Value;

Seems like Objective-C/Cocoa's Key-Value-Binding. As far as I know this 
is purely in the library with the help of Objective-C's reflection 

/Jacob Carlborg

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