Post-ctor ctor
Andrej Mitrovic
andrej.mitrovich at
Mon Aug 8 14:05:59 PDT 2011
Done deal:
import std.traits;
string FieldInit(T, int len, string fun)()
string result;
auto fields = [__traits(allMembers, T)];
result ~= "this(";
foreach (y, x; (RepresentationTypeTuple!T)[0..len])
result ~= x.stringof ~ " " ~ fields[y] ~ ", ";
result = result[0.. $-2] ~ ") { ";
foreach (x; 0 .. len)
result ~= "this." ~ fields[x] ~ " = " ~ fields[x] ~ "; ";
result ~= fun ~ "();";
result ~= "}";
return result;
struct Foo
int a;
int b;
int c;
int d;
mixin( FieldInit!(typeof(this), 4, "_this") );
int sum;
int average;
void _this()
sum = a + b + c + d;
average = (a + b + c + d) / 4;
void main()
auto foo = Foo(1, 2, 3, 4);
assert(foo.sum == 10);
assert(foo.average == 2);
Mostly.. Of course it doesn't work too good if the fields are placed
below some functions.
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