[GSOC] regular expressions beta is here

simendsjo simendsjo at gmail.com
Thu Aug 11 02:34:30 PDT 2011

On 11.08.2011 11:04, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> On Thursday, August 11, 2011 10:50:41 simendsjo wrote:
>> On 10.08.2011 23:16, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
>>>> On 10.08.2011 22:12, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
>>>>> There a few things that were agreed upon (such as always putting
>>>>> braces on their own line),
>>>> There is? Parallelism and json uses braces on the same line.
>>> It was agreed upon, and where it has been noticed, it has been fixed.
>>> But as I said, the style guide needs updating on a few points. Braces
>>> on their own line is one of them.
>>> - Jonathan M Davis
>> Damn - I've been changing my D style to braces on the same line. It's
>> great as I do most D coding on a small laptop. Guess I'll have to change
>> it again :)
> You're free to do your braces however you'd like in your own code, but any
> code submitted to Phobos or druntime needs to have the braces on their own
> line.
> - Jonathan M Davis

I actually like that a language has a "default" style. Java, C# and 
Python all has a default style that makes code easy to read regardless 
of who wrote it (of course, python has some enforced stuff with 
indentation). You can, for instance, break the style as much as you'd 
like in C#, but I've yet to see a library that uses a very different style.

But then again.. Unless it's written in an obfuscated style, it doesn't 
really matter that much..

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