Steven Schveighoffer
schveiguy at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 12 11:36:54 PDT 2011
On Fri, 12 Aug 2011 14:24:46 -0400, Jacob Carlborg <doob at me.com> wrote:
> On 2011-08-12 15:49, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
>> Note that the pragmas are specific to that file only. So you don't have
>> an import file which defines pragmas. This is to prevent conflicts
>> between two files that declare the same package override.
> Now I'm not quite sure I understand. Are you saying that every file
> needs to have these pragma imports ?
Let's say file a.d pragmas that module foo means http://foo.com/projectx,
and module b.d from another project pragmas that module foo means
http://bar.com/projecty. If I import both a and b, what happens?
It only makes sense for a pragma to affect the current file.
This is similar to how version=x statements only affect the current file.
>>> In addition to that as soon as you need to pass flags to the compiler
>>> you will most likely to put that in a file of some kind. In that case
>>> you can just as easily put them in a build script and use a build tool.
>> a batch files/shell script should suffice, no need for a "special" tool.
> Yeah, but you would need to duplicate the shell script, one for Posix
> and one for Windows. As far as I know there is no scripting like file
> that both Windows and Posix can read out of the box.
But I don't have to have the user install yet other build tool. There
already are script interpreters on both windows and posix systems.
Especially for one-liners.
>>> One problem I think DSSS has, is, as far as I know, it can't handle
>>> top level packages with same name. Or at least not in any good way. If
>>> you go with the Java package naming scheme and name your top level
>>> package after your domain, example:
>>> module com.foo.bar;
>>> module com.foo.foobar;
>>> And another project does the same:
>>> module com.abc.defg;
>>> Then these two projects will both end up in the "com" folder. Not very
>>> good in my opinion. In my solution every package has a name
>>> independent of the packages it contains an all packages are placed in
>>> a folder named after the package, including the version number.
>> These all seem like implementation details. I don't care how the tool
>> caches the files.
> Well yes, but that is how DSSS works and that's what I'm explaining.
>> Or instructions on the web site "use 'dmd -O -inline -release
>> -version=SpecificVersion project.d' to compile"
>> Or build.sh (build.bat) Note that dcollections has no makefile,
>> everything is built from shell scripts. I almost never have to edit the
>> build file, because the line's like:
> You would need to shell script files, one for Windows and one for Posix,
> see above.
> That's what a build tool can handle. I think you should read this:
> http://dsource.org/projects/dsss/wiki/DSSSByExample and hopefully you'll
> understand why a built tool is a good thing.
I'll take a look when I get a moment.
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