A few comments about D

Jesse Phillips jessekphillips+D at gmail.com
Tue Aug 23 13:21:45 PDT 2011

Nick Sabalausky Wrote:

> Yea, the other thing he said about it that really raised my eyebrow was that 
> "an array carries around no bounds information". Where the hell did he get 
> that?

This one threw me for a bit. What he is saying is that D tried to improve on the "an array carries no bounds information" by including bounds for arrays. He thinks it is better to wrap it in the class/struct to handle it. As he said he likes C/C++ and just wants the syntax cleaned up, not additions to the language...

I don't agree... He misses the point that then everyone must provide a proper wrapper around their array operations.

> And the whole "all of the functions that work with [strings] are just 
> sitting around in the global namespace"...Uhh...what global namespace?

As I implied he wants all operations bundled up in a String class. But yeah, there isn't a global namespace.

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