method returning child, doesn't overrides declared method returning parent

Christophe travert at
Tue Aug 30 13:12:49 PDT 2011

Personnally, I would like override to be used when implementing 
interfaces too, because there is really some hooking happening (and 
thus hijacking risks), regardless of the presence of a previous method 
or not.

If the problem is that you may have a method witch overrides an abstract 
class C when the overide keyword was meant for an interface before 
restructuring, well, that can happen. Let's take your example:

interface I { void foo(); }
class C:I { override void foo(); }

-> becomes ->

interface I { void foo(); }
class B:I { override void foo(); }
class C:B { override void foo(); } // left by mistake

Maybe foo was left by mistake, but from the beginning (before creating 
class B), the method was meant to override I, so it must not be that 
bad. Moreover, the override keyword is present, so you should be careful 
when looking at class C. This seems to me to be less important that 
implementing an interface by mistake (apparently not to everybody). 
Anyway this could happen anyway if 'I' was an abstract class at the 

If you are concerned by knowing exactly what you override (ant it's a 
good thing) when you use the override keyword, the langage should help 
you with an argument to the override attribute:

interface I { void foo(); }
class B:I { override(I) void foo(); }
class C:B { override(I) void foo(); } // left by mistake
            ^ error: foo() is overriding

abstract class B2:I { }
class C2:B2 { override(I) void foo(); } // would works fine
class C3:B2 { override(B) void foo(); }
              ^ error: foo() is overriding

The argument to override should be optionnal, so that every good code 
will not be broken.

Christophe Travert

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