Java > Scala
so at
Sat Dec 3 06:04:45 PST 2011
On Fri, 02 Dec 2011 08:07:51 +0200, Nick Sabalausky <a at a.a> wrote:
> "Paulo Pinto" <pjmlp at> wrote in message
> news:jb93uf$2eq5$1 at
>> Recently I tried to call for attention to our local team that alongside
>> JVM and .Net projects, we could tackle some C++. I even gave WinRT,
>> iPhone, Facebook's PHP->C++ compiler, Qt and Android NDK as examples.
>> The guy's response was 'Oh I though C++ was no longer relevant', and the
>> matter was closed.
> Oh my god. That's genuinely disturbing to think that such enormously
> ignorant people are out there in the dev world. Our field really *has*
> turned into the fasion industry. :(
Don't loose hope!
There are also those that resisted C to C++ transition, the reason was
that the transition is not able sustain itself.
It didn't solve the many problems C facing and came with its baggage of
problems. You can argue about their concern but,
IMO time proved them right.
I was late to that transition and when i started, i started with C++ and
stuck there since. The reason is the exact same reason C programmers was
stuck with C.
There was/is NO other language able to fill their shoes.
Now you can pick one of three:
. Do nothing at all by using existing languages.
. Do what C++ did and cut the community by two.
. Do what C++ tried, but do it right. Don't inherit the predecessors
problems. Come with facts rather than fiction.
You can find tons of resources to why C developers acted the way they did.
You don't necessarily see only Linus and his co beating a newbie, there
are resources where you actually find pretty solid arguments.
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