Overloading doesn't work like described in "The D programming language"
Steven Schveighoffer
schveiguy at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 7 13:52:01 PST 2011
On Wed, 07 Dec 2011 16:35:04 -0500, Michael Kremser
<mkspamx-usenet at yahoo.de> wrote:
> Hi!
> On pages 145 and 146 (§ 5.5.1) of "The D programming language" there is
> an example with overloading a function with uint, long, and a
> parameterized type. I tried to reproduce that using a similar example:
> <code>
> module main;
> import std.stdio;
> void overloadme(uint number)
> {
> writeln("This is overloadme with uint.");
> }
> void overloadme(long number)
> {
> writeln("This is overloadme with long.");
> }
> void overloadme(T)(T number)
> {
> writeln("Generic overloadme called.");
> }
> int main(string[] argv)
> {
> overloadme(25);
> overloadme("Bla");
> writeln("\nFinished");
> readln();
> return 0;
> }
> </code>
> However, if I try to compile that code, the compiler yields an error in
> line 15:
> Error: template main.overloadme(T) conflicts with function
> main.overloadme at main.d(5)
> In the book it says that "non-generic functions are generally preferred
> to generic functions, even when the non-generic function need an
> implicit conversion". But in my case that doesn't work.
> Can anyone explain me what's going on here? Is the example in the book
> wrong or did I misinterpret something?
The compiler has not implemented overloads with templates yet.
Looks like there isn't a bug on it yet...
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