Why D const is annoying

so so at so.so
Sat Dec 10 02:28:27 PST 2011

On Sat, 10 Dec 2011 12:18:31 +0200, Mehrdad <wfunction at hotmail.com> wrote:

> ... and another...
> struct S(T, int N)
> { public auto opBinary(string op)(in S!(T, N) other) const { return  
> this; } }
> void main() { S!(int, 1) m; m = m * m; }
> Error: 'm' is not of arithmetic type, it is a Matrix!(int,1)
> Error: 'm' is not of arithmetic type, it is a Matrix!(int,1)

Oh fantastic, so you are writing the first bug-free software of our time?

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