Fixing const arrays

kenji hara at
Sat Dec 10 15:01:57 PST 2011

2011/12/11 bearophile <bearophileHUGS at>:
> kenji hara:
>> It breaks IFTI rule,
> What do you mean?

I mean following code comment will not become true.

void func(T)(T prm){}
void main(){
   X arg;
   func(arg);  // T is deduced to typeof(arg)

>> and adding special case will make difficult to learn language.
> I think that change proposed by Andrei A. (that I like) doesn't add a special case to D2. Currently (2.057beta) this works:
> void main() {
>    immutable(int[]) a = [1, 2];
>    immutable(int)[] b = a;
> }
> Calling a function that accepts a immutable(int)[] with a immutable(int[]) means creating a local slice, it's similar. So I think Andrei A. removes a special case.
> Bye,
> bearophile

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