D1 to be discontinued on December 31, 2012

Jacob Carlborg doob at me.com
Mon Dec 12 03:07:42 PST 2011

On 2011-12-10 22:19, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> This is the end of the year, a good time to look both back and forward.
> Walter and I have had a long discussion about our strategy going forth.
> But before that, let's take a quick look at this year.
> By all accounts, 2011 has been a terrific year for D. There has been
> unprecedented growth in the community; the disreputation of a
> fragmented, balkanized community is finally becoming a matter of the
> past; the community flame wars that were the norm in the past have given
> way to constructive dialog; there's more interest and more talk about D
> in public and private events; TDPL has been selling steadily; D's brand
> and major position on the programming languages landscape have become
> recognizable to many programmers; and most importantly, the community
> contribution to the compiler and standard library design and
> implementation has blown off the most optimistic expectations.
> Going forward, we want to focus on D's core strengths: expressiveness,
> modeling power, and efficiency. We believe D is a very compelling
> programming language of this era, and we want to substantiate that
> belief with equally compelling libraries and applications.
> In order to increase focus and unity in the language, we are
> discontinuing support for D1 on December 31, 2012. That's more than one
> year away, which gives enough time to D1 users to migrate libraries and
> applications to D2.
> Phasing D1 away will not only clarify our vision, but also free up
> considerable time to concentrate on D's two largest issues: (1) quality
> of compiler implementation and (2) breadth of the standard library.
> These two matters prevent users from fully tapping into all of D's core
> assets. They affect expressiveness because code that's supposed to work
> doesn't or necessitates ugly workarounds; they affect modeling power
> because bugs prevent full creative uses of the language, and lacuna in
> the standard library limit the "bricks" to use when building; and they
> affect efficiency because, evidently, a quality compiler and a good
> standard library are essential ingredients in writing efficient code.
> Best wishes for the next year and hopefully many years to come to an
> awesome community. Let's continue working together to reach D's
> ambitious potential.
> Thanks,
> Andrei

That was a disappointment to hear. I really hope that D2 will be more 
ready than it is now.

/Jacob Carlborg

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