Second Round CURL Wrapper Review

jdrewsen jdrewsen at
Tue Dec 13 12:53:13 PST 2011

On Tuesday, 13 December 2011 at 00:47:26 UTC, David Nadlinger 
> On 12/12/11 1:18 PM, jdrewsen wrote:
>> On Monday, 12 December 2011 at 10:26:52 UTC, Somedude wrote:
>>> Just an idea: would it be possible/useful to use the 
>>> signals/slots
>>> mechanism for this kind of synch ?
>> This would be most useful if there were some kind of main 
>> loop. This is
>> needed because the request is done in another thread and the 
>> response
>> should be handled in the main thread. Without an main loop in 
>> the main
>> thread or a destinct call to e.g. a poll() method the 
>> signal/slot s
>> would not work.
> I don't know if you already have a solution in the works, but 
> maybe the future interface I did for Thrift is similar to what 
> you are looking for: 
> David

I don't have any plans for this in the curl stuff. But it is 
something like your future implementation and a builtin mainloop 
I think would make async programming much easier in D.


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