Java > Scala
Paulo Pinto
pjmlp at
Sun Dec 18 12:18:41 PST 2011
I saw it live in CERN when I stayed there during 2003-04 timeframe.
Depending on the research group, the code was either mostly Fortran
or C++.
Python is used everywhere from running builds, automate data acquisition
or show nice data GUIs. On my group, TDAQ-Atlas, Java was actually used for
the data rendering part.
Russel Winder Wrote:
> On Sun, 2011-12-18 at 10:30 -0500, dsimcha wrote:
> [...]
> > Please elaborate. I think D for HPC is a terrific idea. It's the only
> > language I know of with all of the following four attributes:
> For years HPC was Fortran only (*). Many of the codes used today were
> written in the 1970s and Fortran compiler technology revolves around
> making those sequential codes run on parallel kit.
> During the 1990s there was a move to writing new codes in C++ --
> especially in the HEP area. Of course many of these codes rely on being
> able to call into the Fortran codes.
> With the rise of data visualization there was a need for a language for
> writing GUIs and the like, and they have decided on Python since it
> connects to C and C++ trivially. They also found SciPy and NumPy which
> actually leads to prototyping new codes in Python and then rewriting in
> Fortran or C++ if there is a need to -- which often there is not.
> With PyPy now running faster than CPython there is a possibility that
> new codes other than core computation frameworks will always be in
> Python.
> Given the time and effort it took to get C++ accepted by this Fortran
> oriented community.
> > 1. Allows you to program straight down to the bare metal with zero or
> > close to zero overhead, like C and C++.
> Or Fortran.
> > 2. Interfaces with C and Fortran legacy code with minimal or no overhead.
> This is an essential. This is Go's biggest problems, it cannot link
> easily to existing codes.
> > 3. Has modern convenience/productivity features like GC, a real module
> > system and structural typing via templates.
> The bulk of the HEP community might know the words but only if it is in
> Fortran -- or C++.
> > 4. Has support for parallelism in the standard library. (I'm aware of
> > OpenMP, but in my admittedly biased opinion std.parallelism is orders of
> > magnitude more flexible and easier to use.)
> The main current tool is MPI for cluster and multicore parallelism using
> SPMD and MIMD models, and OpenMP for thread management on multicore
> systems. Fortran, C, C++, and Python all have MPI capability and
> Fortran, C, and C++ have OpenMP -- OpenMP isn't relevant to Python.
> This has been the model for 20 years and is likely immovable. No matter
> how good a different model is, it is fighting a war on an entrenched
> technology.
> The issue is not really a technical one, it is an inertia and
> expectation, even political, one.
> C++ broke into the Fortran dominated area by fiat of a group of people
> in the HEP community. Also Barton & Nackman "Scientific and Engineering
> C++: An Introduction with Advanced Techniques and Examples" was an
> important factor.
> The question is what is the need and the vector for D to gain traction
> in this area where it really does have a USP?
> (*) FORTRAN and Fortran are different languages. The case was changed
> formally with the Fortran 1995 standard.
> --
> Russel.
> =============================================================================
> Dr Russel Winder t: +44 20 7585 2200 voip: sip:russel.winder at
> 41 Buckmaster Road m: +44 7770 465 077 xmpp: russel at
> London SW11 1EN, UK w: skype: russel_winder
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